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You get out what you put in


Hello folks! Very much a mixed bag this last week with both positives and negatives.

Weekly Recap:

Monday: 7.13 miles – 53.39

Tuesday: 5.2 miles – 36.44 & Physio Session

Wednesday: 7.03 miles - 52.52

Thursday: 12 miles - 78.25

Friday: Rest Day – No Running

Saturday: Rest Day – No Running

Sunday: 4 miles – 30.33

So what were the positives and negatives?


· Knee has started to improve a lot. Not there yet but getting there.

· Got in a really solid 12 miles run in on Thursday incident free with this being the longest run I’ve completed since the 21st of May.

· In general feeling a lot stronger in my running! I’ve been very diligent with my prehab and general strength exercises and its starting to pay off

· Got in a really enjoyable Sea swim in Seapoint which I have no doubt is aiding the body feeling a bit better and fresher. (Maybe there’s a placebo element to this, but hey I’ll take it!)


· So anyone who has read this blog on a regular basis will know I don’t really count mileage totals or have mileage targets. But yesterday I totalled up last weeks mileage and it brings me to a total of just over 28 miles over 7 days. For someone who wants to run a 2.2x marathon in the next few months that mileage total is simply not going to get you there.

· I don’t like having 2 rest days in a row and ok I was away over the weekend but had no excuse to get in at least 1 run on one of these days.

· Apart from the 12 mile run there was no specific session and when you read the above recap it basically looks like a lot of runs were completed for the sake of it without any specific goal!

So I know many people reading this will have had weeks like this before and that’s not to say there was no value in the week. What annoys me is that I think I’m lacking a bit of dedication and commitment at the moment. I say I want to run these times but am I putting the work in to get them at the moment? A quote I heard from Sonia O’Sullivan years ago that always stuck with me and rings very true “You get out of it what you put in” At the moment I’m probably not putting enough in to get what I want out if it. And yes I know I’ve been dealing with a knee issue the past few months that has hampered my ability to push on but could I replaced some of the mileage with cross training or bike work? Yes is the answer to this!

The good thing about a week like this is it makes you reflect and gives you a choice to push on or stay where you are. I want to push on but whether I do or not will be reflected in my training and commitment over the next few weeks. The good thing about writing this blog each week is it gives me a bit of accountability and leaves me with no hiding place 😊

Have a great week folks and thanks for reading 😊


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