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Happy Easter folks, hope everyone had an enjoyable Bank Holiday weekend 😊 Really productive week for myself building things back up and getting into a proper routine!

Weekly Recap:

Monday: 4.05 miles – 31.43

Tuesday: 5 miles – 37.32

Wednesday: 3.55 miles – 26.41

Thursday: 6miles – 44.40

Friday: Rest Day

Saturday: 6 miles – 47.09

Sunday: 7 miles – 50.57

Really happy with the above week after having to take a week off the previous week to deal with a calf strain. Felt very comfortable on all of these runs. Have purposefully built things up slowly with nothing too intense and kept volume at a relatively low level. There is that eagerness to get back to where you were immediately, but I’ve learned you have to give your body that time to adapt otherwise you’ll be back to square one injury wise very quickly! Actually hadn’t planned a rest day Friday and normally go about 6-7 days before taking a rest day but building things back up from niggles/injuries means you have to be adaptable and alter your routine slightly. If I’m being honest the rest day was more or less enforced due to a few too many glasses of wine Thursday night!

I’ve titled this weeks Blog; Routine as its something I’ve been thinking about over the weekend. We all like being in our familiar routines on a daily and weekly basis. That can mean for example; morning coffee as soon as you wake up, daily yoga routine, certain dinners on the same day each week, phone call with a family member/friend etc. I’ve found since lockdown started over a year ago I like going for a walk every Sunday evening at around 7pm and have that programmed into my weekly routine for whatever reason and when I don’t do that it knocks me out of kilter. In running terms Routine can mean doing certain runs and sessions on the same day every week. For instance; certain runners may like doing their long run on a Saturday or Sunday, interval session on a Tuesday, tempo session on a Thursday, Hills session on a Saturday etc and most people don’t like this routine altered or changed at all. We’re all creatures of habit and I would say I’m very much like this also which is a good thing in many ways as it leads to consistency over a long period of time. However there sometimes is a need to be adaptable and willing to alter plans or your routine if required.

This past week in a perfect world would have allowed me to do a tempo session mid week and a Long run at the weekend because that’s my typical routine but I can’t go back to that routine straight away and I needed to be willing to alter my plans and listen to my body right now and take a realistic long term approach which I think is something many of us fail sometimes to do. Having said all of this my aim over next week or so is to get back into a more consistent routine and put together a strong block of training built on consistency and hard work that allows me to put meaningful weeks and months back-to-back. However I need to be aware that I may need to alter this routine if I feel a niggle, if I feel a bit run down etc and be adaptable and change things up where necessary!

Cheers for reading folks and a have a great weeks running 😊


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